
Large span cable-net curtain wall
     With its beautiful architectural effect and good pressure performance, cable-net supported glass curtain walls have developed rapidly around the world. Along with the rise of large-span structures and high-rise buildings, the point-type glass curtain wall has received extensive attention from the construction industry and many iconic landmarks have since emerged. 

     Meite's curtain wall system is very lightweight and translucent, strong, protective, durable, flexible, aesthetically pleasing and integrates well with the internal and external living space. Along with the ease of maintainence and advanced technologies, it is a popular choice amongst big malls, hotel lobbies and exhibition halls.
南和县| 景洪市| 曲阳县| 彩票| 博罗县| 两当县| 七台河市| 平和县| 资溪县| 郑州市| 嘉祥县| 黎平县| 新津县| 灵璧县| 左贡县| 怀集县| 平谷区| 炎陵县| 共和县| 永安市| 永福县| 宣武区| 莒南县| 紫阳县| 高阳县| 东海县| 新平| 克什克腾旗| 新晃| 潼南县| 石屏县| 外汇| 遵义市| 察隅县| 龙川县| 呼图壁县| 武宣县| 远安县| 平南县| 芒康县| 香港|