
New York University, Shanghai

nydx1  nydx2

Height of the building:79.3 m

Curtain wall area:19974 m2

Curtain wall system : steel stud framing (curtain walls) as a shear wall for structural steel framing; exposed and semi-exposed frame system.

Won the 2014-2015 national quality project.

Won the Chinese architectural decoration award.

Won the Shanghai "White Magnolia" award in 2014.

Won the 2016 gold medal of architectural decoration in Shanghai.

玉溪市| 西乌| 林州市| 格尔木市| 民乐县| 施秉县| 拉孜县| 天柱县| 吉安市| 上虞市| 佛山市| 大庆市| 云龙县| 津南区| 宜春市| 南溪县| 宝清县| 图们市| 澄城县| 琼结县| 台东县| 塘沽区| 岳西县| 巩义市| 襄城县| 四平市| 佛学| 丹江口市| 金乡县| 深州市| 德阳市| 舞阳县| 龙南县| 晋宁县| 鄂托克前旗| 洪湖市| 江孜县| 新民市| 台州市| 京山县| 清远市|